zondag 23 oktober 2011

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want."

Last day of the holiday. I wanted to ake up early so I had the whole day, but here I am it's 10:30 and I can't seem to get my eyes open. I thought that I could make it a relax day. Just chilling with some music and my laptop. Not putting on any make-up. But I forgot I had to work today. Nobody likes work, I know, but I just hate it when I have to work on Sundays. I always want a lazy day on sunday. But the thing what makes it even stupider, is that I always forget it. So yesterday I made all my homework, so I don't have to do it on my relaxday. But now there is no relaxday. Still, I'm a little glad that I don't have to make that stufff today. So maybe I can make it a lazy morning. Yeah, that sounds good.

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